You see He had something very special in mind.
Unlike all the other creatures He had made, He decided He needed someone like Himself.
So He created man.
But when He saw how lonely the man was, He had to act fast.
So He created woman.
But what most people don't know is that He created someone very special after that.
At some point in time, God got very frustrated that things were not going as planned.
So He cried. For forty days.
That was the flood.
Shortly after that, one of the children that was conceived was created differently.
For this child needed to be one that God Himself could approve.
He created the child with musical gifting, bravery, courage, and a good heart.
This was the first child with autism.
Music gave him a voice as did his poetry.
His bravery killed a giant and saved a nation.
His courage kept him going even during the times he felt most sad and lonely.
And he most definitely was considered a man after God's own heart.
Is it possible that there were other children before this one who God created with autism?
Sure it is. But I chose this one.
Just as God chose to create some of us with pure hearts, innocence, love, beauty, giftedness, and an inner song, I chose David as an example of what God does when He chooses to create a child with autism.
I posed this question today in light of April being Autism Awareness Month. For one month, the whole world spreads awareness about autism. The numbers have increased again. And again, the numbers do not account for adults with autism, although it is very likely, the numbers would be the same for that particular age group. But those of us who have autism or have loved ones with autism have to spread awareness every day - 365 days a year - because we live with it. So I posed a question: What is your church doing to intentionally minister to and with an individual or a family faced with autism? And more so, an adult with autism? Is your church reaching out to them? If not, please change that now. I challenge anyone reading this to search his or her heart and to go back to his or her church leaders before it is too late. I say this because I was hurt by a church as soon as they got back the report that I have autism. And it is not fair what they did to me. And I do not want it to happen to anyone else ever again, whether it is there or somewhere else. I feel sad and lonely and hurt and frustrated and angry about it. I should be at church with my friends worshipping God just like everyone else and serving God just like everyone else. Not isolated and punished because of how God created me. I should still have my friend that is one of the pastors because he was the one who understood the autism and the way it impacted me and others the most and he was reaching in the most to pull me out so I could grow and shine. Oh how wonderful it would be if he would reach out a hand in forgiveness to me in light of what Jesus did for us on the cross! And how wonderful it would be if they would be wiling to meet with me and move toward biblical reconciliation for the same reason.
Do I know for sure that David had autism? No. But I know that most people with autism tend to be a lot like David and Moses and Noah and Adam and Jesus too. I always say God must have autism.
1 in 68 children are diagnosed with autism everyday or it may still be 1 in 88 overall. Either way, God must have a reason for us to have autism. After all God is sovereign, right?
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