I John 4:12 - No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.
Dear God, This world really does spin too fast. And people like Tom will make a person spin so fast that they fall down. He sure did that to me. With his abusive behavior which was evidenced when he chose to do what he did the way he did it. God, the comfort I find is that it sadly means that You do not abide in Tom for since what he did did not evidence You, the Bible is clear that one cannot say they love You yet not act with love toward another for You are love. So since what Tom did evidenced hate, then that was not You therefore I draw the conclusion that You are not in him and he does not love You. After all, if he did love You then he would obey You no matter what and that would mean that he would enter conflict resolution in an effort to seek peace and aim for restoration. As would the leaders of his church. But God, sadly You are NOT at Oak Mountain because they did not and still do not evidence You. If they had You then they would show love toward everyone, not hate. What they showed me was hate. God, please complete me. In Jesus' Name, Amen!
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