Luke 10:41-42 - But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her."
Philippians 3:20-21 - But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.
Dear God, many of the problems in life are man-made problems. Bullying. Stalking. Harassment. Attacking people who have disabilities. Disrespecting the president. Excluding people from church because a church feels that ministry to and with both children and adults with special needs is somehow too much of a burden. Poverty and hunger. Homelessness. Are there some problems that are not man-made? Absolutely. Cancer. Autism. GI issues. Autoimmune problems. Many medical issues are not man-made. Some are genetic. Problem-solving mode. God, I wish I could solve all the problems, especially when it comes to those man-made problems. Those problems are solvable, but it means that others have to be willing to help make changes to help solve them. God, I have seen some stupidity come forth after the Paris attacks. Governors who think they are above the law when it comes to refugees who claim they do not want refugees in their state because one of them might be a terrorist. The problem with their mentality is that the refugees are trying to escape the terrorists that the governors also do not want! By denying the refugees asylum, they are effectively allowing the terrorists to win. Our country has been down this road before: Jewish, Irish, Italian, Japanese, etc. And to be frank, I am more worried about the American down the street who insists on carrying guns everywhere because it's their right than I am about some refugee at this point. And more so than that, I am more worried about what a germ can do to me than I am about that even. My infusions need approval. Soon. Until then, the germ will always scare me more. I am more worried about the republicans in congress trying to take away my insurance and BCBS screwing Alabama residents over than I am about refugees. I am more worried about republicans trying to cut benefits for the disabled and the veterans and the elderly and the hungry and the poor than I am about refugees. Why? Because refugees cannot damage the financial stability of this country like the money hungry, greedy republican idiots in congress can. Every time I see something about the refugees, I keep hearing the song by the Newsboys called "Entertaining Angels." That song is so applicable, not only in the refugee crisis, but also when it comes to how churches should minister to and with people with special needs. God, I may not be able to solve the problems I mentioned, and most certainly not alone, but I would like You to show me what I should do when faced with the problems. Thank You. In Jesus' Name, Amen!