I John 4:18 - There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.
I John 4:20 - if anyone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
Dear God, please cast put the fear today. As I read further, I also learned that those who hate their fellow brothers OR SISTER do not love You. I wish Tom would evidence Your love, but he did lie and he ended up doing things that were very hateful. The thing is, though, I do not hate him. I just need him to come to a peace making with me. Extending further though, that verse would also indicate that Mathis and DeMarco are liars because they say they are Christians yet they hate the president so much that they want to take healthcare from the poor and the disabled! If they are Christians, then they should not hate anyone and they should respect the president (Romans 13) and they should do everything they can to strengthen the ACA, not destroy it. Mathis even claims he want to protect the constitutional freedoms, yet if that were true, why did he block people with opposing viewpoints regarding the ACA? He violated my First Amendment right to express an opinion just because it was different than his. And he did not like being exposed for lack of ethics. God, today, I am not at peace because of the stupid primaries. Alabama is rigged this time. Democrats in my district only have one race - governor. Of course, anyone is better than Bentley. Bentley is just a hateful, old, white racist and sexist pig who claims to be such a good Christian that when he ran, he actually stated that he hated the president so much that he was going to block the Medicaid and do everything he could to prevent the ACA from working in Alabama. Well, he failed. The ACA IS working in Alabama. When I read Vigneulle's statements, he was also stretching things. Okay, he has three children and a wife. He has a family plan. And he states that his plan went from $680 to $1500 per month. If all five members of his family are on the plan, then his plan is $300 per person per month. If only four of them are on it, then he is only paying $375 per person per month. Guess what? That is actually thie CORRECT rate! Why? Because I am an individual and I pay $320.75 per month or $352.75 per month if you add the separate dental plan I now get to have. And that is a gold tier plan. Vigneulle did not tell the entire truth in his statement. To have truth in his statement, he would need to state how many people are on his plan and what level the plan is. But from what it sounds, he may have a similar plan to what I have if it costs that much and he pays less per person than I do as an individual! This is the kind of thing that irks me about these republicans and tea party people though. They either ignore the truth, gloss over the truth, or do not tell the full truth. They do not understand how insurance works now is how insurance should have always been working. His family plan before, if all five of a members were on it, only cost him $139.69 per month per person, and if only four were on it, it only cost him $174.50 per month per person. Guess what? Cry me a river! I was paying $298 per month for an 80/20 plan that was JUNK! And I knew it was junk long before the term came into existence when insurance companies scrapped those junk plans! I knew it was junk when an ENT told me after my fourth surgery in 12 months and after I began allergy shots and only needed minor care that I should consider finding a catastrophic plan that would cost less because essentially that is what my insurance had become. Yep. My rates kept going up and my coverage kept decreasing! And that was before the ACA. Now people foolishly believe their rates went up and coverage decreased, when in reality, their coverage increased because now they have ten benefits that are not subject to out of pocket costs or deductibles! That is a lot of potentially FREE care coming from those premiums now. Of course, rates are going to go up! When insurance pays more out per person in terms of what they cover, the rates do go up. And because they can no longer charge more for a person who is sick (or disabled - Americans with Disabilities Act is being enforced), each person is rated the same. Brooks, I do not even want to talk about him, using a gun to demonstrate how he feels about the ACA? What is to say he would not turn it on the president himself? I am starting to run out of people here, God. They all have their downsides. And Shattuck? He may be a flip flopper. Give me wisdom today though. I am going into these elections today, and now I know what it means to have to choose the least of the evils. But God, if none of them are going to be for me, or for the least of these, then we are doomed! As a nation, as a state, and as a district. God, please hurry back. I cannot tolerate this level of hate being directed at me or my fellow especial needs families who are also in lower income brackets. My heart aches today and I not only seek Your wisdom, but I plead with You for You to intervene and weed out the worst of the candidates. I have no doubt there will end up being at least run off election either. But even still, weed them out God. Come November, that is where the true power will take place. Until then, my world has been shaken and stirred and anxieties have returned. Anxieties I should not have to face as an American or as an Alabamian. Please, please, fill me with Your peace, God. Calm my anxious spirit and my anxious heart. I do not hate anyone and I never will. I hate what they do though. Thank You for listening to me. In Jesus' Name, Amen!
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