I don't understand why.
She was only 10. Just had her 10th birthday last week.
She seemed fine yesterday.
She's my baby.
So why her?
Why did she have to go like that?
The vet said it was an aneurysm. And my understanding of those is that they are sudden. No one can be prepared for them. Especially not the family who is left behind in the wake of the aftermath of them.
But why did it have to be my baby girl?
Why did it have to be Katie?
Katie was so full of life just yesterday. So spunky and vibrant.
And today, in the blink of an eye, lifeless.
Oh, how my heart breaks!
Please comfort us as we try to move past today. Please comfort us today. Please help Molly Jean understand why her mommy is hurting so much today.
And most of all, please make sure Katie knows that I love her. Always have and always will.
I loved her since the day I saw her just six short days after Peaches was laid to rest and she was three days old.
I will never be able to find another one like her.
She lived with megacolon. A condition that ordinarily would be a death sentence in and of itself.
But knowing this doesn't make it any easier.
Tonight will be lonely without my baby.
I miss her terribly already.
Please help me through this time.
Please help me find the right baby that needs me as much as I need them.
Thank You for the precious time I did get to have with Katie.
In Jesus' Name, Amen!