This week has been none other than hell for Christians like me who believe God's Word on these things to be true.
People who lack understanding of the fact that Jesus came calling Christians judgmental, bigots, hypocrites.
The thing is, are not the people throwing out these accusations actually doing the very thing they accuse Christians of doing?
Bigotry: intolerance of another's opinion and his or her expression of it. Case in point: I expressed my stance and suddenly a now former friend demanded that I not only respect his opinion but then blatantly accused me of enjoying oppressing others in the name of religion. Seriously?
In many Islamic countries, they can stone a homosexual to death! Now tell me more about how Christians in America have oppressed them?
Hypocrites? Because we live under New Testament grace because we believe Jesus came to fulfill the Old Testament law? Because we eat meat that God told Peter was now clean? Because churches, mainly in cases of sexual immorality as Jesus permits, allow divorce? Because we are not living legalistic lives anymore?
Oh, and another abused phrase? Separation of church and state.
Hmm.... America was founded by people escaping the Church of England, which was government ran. They said that government is not to establish religion or run churches. Hence the First Amendment. Perhaps every major needs to study all aspects of the implications of the First Amendment. My journalism classes focused on two concepts in it.
Anyway, separation of church and state is to protect citizens from government establishing religion and running churches. Not to keep churches and Christians from having a say in politics.
Jesus didn't forbid homosexuality. Actually, Jesus defined marriage in Matthew 19:5. This passage is where He taught about divorce.
Frankly, here's the thing.
Being attacked and accused by this friend hurt. Especially since even after I demonstrated grace and forgiveness, he did it again. Three times he has been called out for the same offense now. And now extreme measure will be taken. I have already filed a report and will block him in 48 hours. I did what God called me to do though because when he demanded I respect his opinion while attacking mine, he also said some nasty things about God and attacked my faith, my Christianity. And so I must remove him from my life before he can bring me down any further.
Also, in terms of oppression. Who are the oppressed in America? Not homosexuals who scream out so loudly and then accuse Christians of being hateful. Nope. Not them. Why? Because they CHOSE to live in sin.
The oppressed in America:
1. Elderly
2. Children
3. Poor
4. Disabled, special needs
5. Veterans
6. Hungry
7. Christians
1. Being disrespected and being cut short their SSI and SNAP and Medicare
2. Lack of quality education
3. Oh, they are nothing but lazy moochers! Really? When was the last time you say and talked with one about his or her story?
4. Did you know that some loophole in the 1938 fair wage act allows Goodwill to pay some disabled workers as little as 22 cents an hour? Slave labor basically. To think a company could do that to me and get away with it?!? Oh, and the Affordable Care Act is the FIRST law that actually finally upholds the Americans with Disabilities Act when it comes to ensuring that people with per-existing conditions finally have the promised "same access to the same affordable healthcare?" And, further, we substantially lack services and programs and community resources as well as insurance coverage for them for adults with autism?
5. See 1 and 3 and 5
6. Suddenly everyone who has ever needed SNAP is a lazy moocher? Wow. Again, when's the last time you got the story?
7. That's what this post focused on.
God, I pray Your Word continues to give Christians strength and courage. In Jesus' Name, Amen!